6 Must Have indoor Plants for Autumn Colour
I love this time of year. The air is fresh and cool, but the colours are warm and vibrant. I love seasonal decorating, but often all that's available are artificial and plastic ornaments.
So why not add some seasonal colour with living plants.
I've selected just a few plants with fiery reds, oranges and deep purples and browns that will complement what happening outside, but inside.
Deep Purples
1. Begonias
Begonias come in a wide variety of colours, including rich purples. Look for varieties like Begonia rex-cultorum or Begonia semperflorens-cultorum for a pop of purple in your home. We love the Begonia Rex 'Inca Flame" with a fiery metallic red colour.
2. Tradescantia zebrina
This popular houseplant features dark green leaves with silvery-purple stripes.

3. Calathea
You can get a lot of different Calatheas with flashes of burgundy or purple under their leaves. Try the Calathea Stromanthe Triostar, Calathea Roseopicta Purple or Calathea Rufibarba.
Oranges and Browns
4. Orchids
While orchids are often associated with bright colors, there are many varieties with shades of orange and brown. Look for species like Oncidium or Cymbidium for a unique and eye-catching addition to your home.
A Slipper Orchid has beautiful orange and brown tones.
5. Croton (Codiaeum variegatum)
Crotons are known for their vibrant foliage, which can include shades of orange, red, and brown. They add a bold and dramatic touch to any room. These are native to the Pacific islands and Asia.
Codiaeum 'iceton' is like a bonfire of colour. It's also known as Joseph's Coat - for its MANY MANY colours. We love it.
They like bright, indirect light and lots of humidity.
Vriesea orange
Vriesias are bromeliads with striking bracts that come in a variety of colours, including a very autumnal orange. They can bloom for weeks and look absolutely stunning in your home.
I love how you can find houseplants to style your home in certain colours, or even to complement your brand.
This autumn, we'll have lots of these lovely oranges, reds, browns and purples in store.
Or if you'll looking to decorate an event, why not add some living autumnal colour?