7 Houseplants That Are Perfect For Your Office

It is well known that plants not only help a space look good, but did you know that houseplants are also good for the health of your office and the wellbeing of your employees.

Here is a list of easy to look after plants no matter whether you are in a sunny office or a dark office with little or no windows.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that stores water in its leaves. For this reason, it is drought tolerant and can be left for long periods without water. In fact, overwatering is one of the most common mistakes made with aloe vera plants.

To care for an aloe vera plant, first, make sure it has plenty of direct sunlight. Aloe Vera needs at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. Water only when the soil feels dry to the touch and then give it just enough water to moisten the soil. Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing season. Prune off any dead or damaged leaves as needed.

Aloe vera can also be great for purifying the air as it absorbs carbon dioxide during the night and releases oxygen while you sleep!

Aloe vera plant

2. English ivy (Hedera helix)

English ivy is a vine that can be grown indoors or outdoors. It needs moist soil but will tolerate drier conditions once it is established. It can also help remove toxins from the air. 

  • To water, soak the soil until water begins to drain from the bottom of the pot.
  • Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Fertilize monthly during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer diluted to half strength.

English ivy does best in partial sunlight but can also grow in a shady spot. Indoors, why not put it on a sunny windowsill.

3. Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants are easy to grow and care for the also absorb carbon dioxide. They like bright, indirect light and prefer to be kept moist, but not too wet.

Water your spider plant regularly, making sure the soil is evenly moist but not wet. Allow the top of the soil to dry out a bit between waterings. You can also mist your plant with water if it feels dry to the touch.

Aim to fertilize your spider plant once a month with a diluted liquid houseplant fertilizer to help increase its growth.

If your spider plant starts to look wilted or brownish, it may need more sunlight or less water. Try moving it to a brighter location or increasing the watering frequency.

Spider plant

4. Peace lily (Spathiphyllum)

One of the best air purifiers, the peace lily can eliminate benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and ammonia from the air. They produce white flowers which are also very attractive if placed near a window.

Peace lilies are tropical plants that need bright, indirect light and high humidity to thrive. In the home, they do best near a window or in a room with a humidifier.

Watering: Keep the soil moist but not wet. Water when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch. Do not allow the pot to stand in water.

Fertilizing: Fertilize every two weeks from early spring through late summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Peace lily

5. Palms

Palms definitely make a statement in any room. They are great for dividing spaces or providing some privacy. Why not try them in a large meeting room, or in your reception area to create a more relaxing and welcoming feel for your employees and clients.

These are also beneficial for filtering out harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They thrive in medium to bright light and like moderately moist soil.

To water an areca palm, wait until the top few inches of soil feel dry to the touch before watering thoroughly. Then allow the pot to drain completely before returning it to its place. During the winter months, water only when the top inch of soil feels dry. Fertilize an areca palm with a liquid fertilizer every other month from February through September.

Prune an areca palm by cutting off dead or brown fronds with sharp scissors at their base.


6. Pothos

The Pothos or Devil’s Ivy can climb up or hang down. It is also very effective at removing heavy metals like lead and mercury from the air. They need bright, indirect light.


7. Chinese evergreen - (Aglaonema commutatum)

The Chinese evergreen a popular indoor plant that is easy to care for. It prefers bright, indirect light and high humidity, so misting the leaves regularly is recommended. Water, when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch, but don’t overwater as this, can cause root rot.

Chinese evergreen

If you’re in the market for some new office plants and want recommendations on easy to manage, low light tolerant plants, we can help. Our team of plant experts can provide you with a consultation and decor services that will make your office greener and more inviting.

Contact us today on 07581 191 188 or plants@thegreeneast.co.uk.